A circuit of ideal constructing process|作為一種理想居住狀態的迴圈
Copper bars, motor, controller, cement, video, wood.
Dimensions variable, TNUA - Underground experimental field, Taiwan, 2018. 銅條、馬達、控制器模組、水泥、紗網、影像、木板、單頻錄像,影像長度:6分11秒,尺寸依場地(地下美術館),臺灣,2018 。
On the streets, one often encounters numerous billboards. The contents of these billboards usually consist of magnificent architectural designs, creative slogans, and thought-provoking words. Models are frequently used to represent future urban development prospects. Scaffolding serves as an initial stage in the process of constructing a building, while fences demarcate the boundary between ideals and reality. In my work, I project images onto scaffolding and incorporate mechanical devices, aiming to create a scene of perpetual construction. The flashing text "Searching" in the images emits a signal, repeatedly questioning whether there exists a better place and the value of progress.
在路上時常能看見許多看板,看板內容不外乎是富麗堂皇的建築圖樣、別出心裁的標語、與引人遐想的文字,而模型常用於對未來都市開發的預示圖,鷹架作為一種輔助建築行為的起始狀態,圍籬成了劃分理想與現實之間的區段,在作品中我將影像投射在鷹架,並加入機械動力裝置,試圖營造一個不斷施工的場景,影像中的” Searching“文字,一次又一次的閃爍,像是在發出一種訊號,這個訊號是一種對於是否存在著更好所在與進步價值的質疑?