The last order entrusted by someone else|受他人委託的最後一件訂單
motor, copper bars, hardware parts, led, wood, controller, cement.
Dimensions variable, TNUA - Underground experimental field, Taiwan, 2017.
In my childhood memories of growth, the presence of traditional lathes in my family's industry and the loud noise they made were never absent from my mind. The house that was once filled with the scent of rust and dust is no longer darkened since it was emptied. In this artwork, I attempt to evoke the fading images of the prosperous industry in my childhood home. Using the process of artistic production, I create a useless machine, and in the name of the final order, it speaks of this belated commission, which is not from others, but from myself. It also reflects the helplessness of having to succumb to modern technology replacing manual labor.